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- Salt-free and fast-acting
- Safer for pets' paws and skin when used as directed
- Clears driveways and walkways quickly and efficiently
- Gentler on concrete and vegetation when used as directed
- Unique, patented formula
- Gentler on people, pets and vegetation when used a directed
- Melting power that outperforms other ice melter blends
- Formula contains our powerful MG 104® melting catalyst, which helps prevent refreezing up to 2½ times longer than conventional products
- One of the lowest melting temperatures available
- A powerful, self-initiating chemical reaction generates heat, so melting occurs even in exceptionally cold weather
- Easy-to-see blue crystals for efficient application
- Melts ice to -15°C | 5°F
- Unique screening process for improved spreading and more effective melting
- Our most economical ice melter